The learning hub

Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves

- Lord Chesterfield

Tag: softwareforteams

How to motivate your remote workers after a vacation

How to motivate your remote workers after a vacation

Getting back to work after a vacation can be hard. It requires readjusting to schedules, routines and workload. And this is even harder for people who work from home. Although remote workers may have a more flexible schedule, they still need to find the motivation to pick up where they left off. 

As more and more people work remotely, managers also need to find ways to motivate their employees and keeping their team engaged and productive. 


Time Management Strategies : How to do more in less time

Time Management Strategies : How to do more in less time

While safe from office related distractions, people who work from home are faced with other challenges like things that need to be done around the house or unexpected visitors or family members that require their attention. They also need time off work, to rest and recharge their batteries. 


3 basic problems when working remotely. Solutions for employers

3 basic problems when working remotely. Solutions for employers

More and more teams are changing their activity to working remotely. This change is a good thing, as stated in a study by eJobs Romania: even under normal circumstances, 8 out of 10 Romanians would like to work from home.  Even more, under the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are willing to isolate themselves at home and not be exposed to any risk by commuting to work. It is estimated that by now, over 500.000 Romanians are working from home. 


Productivity goals in 2020: planning early for rewards later

Productivity goals in 2020: planning early for rewards later

As the holidays are winding down, it is time for most of us to recalibrate our focus, regain our composure and reclaim our 20/20 vision. Now, we know it’s much easier said than done, however ponder upon the following thought: have you ever found yourself procrastinating and kicking the proverbial task-can down the road, until it is suddenly mid-year and now you have to suddenly shift matters into overdrive?


TimeBack – A business’s best friend!

TimeBack – A business’s best friend!

A coherent work process leads to happy employees. Happy employees lead to good work. Good work generates good products/services. Good products/services equal happy customers. Happy customers result in revenue. Revenue flows towards building an even better business, with even greater work processes & projects. That’s where TimeBack comes in – an all-inclusive time, task and employee (TTE) management tool.
