The learning hub

Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves

- Lord Chesterfield

Posts from February 2020

Productivity diversions – getting distracted at work

Productivity diversions – getting distracted at work

In the modern day office, we’re surrounded by distractions and diversions. As time has passed, technology has become much more accessible and with it, came a new era of grown-up toys, playthings and interferences. In addition to this, the concept of an office job has spread to such a degree that is no longer reserved only for the well-connected. Nowadays, if you’re fresh out of college, or in some cases, even out of high school, you can experience office life, albeit not with your own private room, but more like a private cubicle or area within a shared space.


Productivity goals in 2020: planning early for rewards later

Productivity goals in 2020: planning early for rewards later

As the holidays are winding down, it is time for most of us to recalibrate our focus, regain our composure and reclaim our 20/20 vision. Now, we know it’s much easier said than done, however ponder upon the following thought: have you ever found yourself procrastinating and kicking the proverbial task-can down the road, until it is suddenly mid-year and now you have to suddenly shift matters into overdrive?
