The learning hub

Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves

- Lord Chesterfield

Tag: timemanagement

How to avoid procrastination and stop feeling overwhelmed

How to avoid procrastination and stop feeling overwhelmed

Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing a task that needs to be accomplished by a certain deadline, usually by focusing on less urgent or easier tasks. Most times we are aware of it and that awareness makes us feel guilty. And when tasks that we delayed start piling up, the feeling of being overwhelmed follows shortly. 


Productivity diversions – getting distracted at work

Productivity diversions – getting distracted at work

In the modern day office, we’re surrounded by distractions and diversions. As time has passed, technology has become much more accessible and with it, came a new era of grown-up toys, playthings and interferences. In addition to this, the concept of an office job has spread to such a degree that is no longer reserved only for the well-connected. Nowadays, if you’re fresh out of college, or in some cases, even out of high school, you can experience office life, albeit not with your own private room, but more like a private cubicle or area within a shared space.
