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Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves

- Lord Chesterfield

Posts from May 2020

How to avoid procrastination and stop feeling overwhelmed

How to avoid procrastination and stop feeling overwhelmed

Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing a task that needs to be accomplished by a certain deadline, usually by focusing on less urgent or easier tasks. Most times we are aware of it and that awareness makes us feel guilty. And when tasks that we delayed start piling up, the feeling of being overwhelmed follows shortly. 


Streamlining HR processes with automated time tracking

Streamlining HR processes with automated time tracking

Costs are always a concern for a manager when it comes to the company’s bottom line. Considering that in average labor costs can reach up to 50-60% of operational costs, the way that employees spend their working hours becomes paramount. If you add to that the global COVID pandemic, with more and more employees switching to remote work and also with the economic crisis that is beginning to show it’s effects, managing HR duties and labor costs can become a nightmare. 
