Time Management Strategies : How to do more in less time

69% of young managers would allow the members of their team to work remotely, as shown in a report by Upwork. But time management is a must for efficiently managing your remote project or your business.
While safe from office related distractions, people who work from home are faced with other challenges like things that need to be done around the house or unexpected visitors or family members that require their attention. They also need time off work, to rest and recharge their batteries.
The many apps and programs help track the work and fulfill tasks and respect deadlines. Here are some clear strategies to better organise time with your remote teams.
Set up the project
This is the most important step for the manager, as the entire development of your project depends on the planning you have made ahead of time. Your workers have to know what needs to be done and what is expected of them. Provide clear timetables, documentation and software tools, before the execution begins.
Build up an environment of trust
Don’t use time tracking as a system for punishing or rewarding your employees, as they will be more concerned about the time spent working rather than effectiveness of their work. Create an environment based on trust instead. Discuss with your employees to explain that time tracking is an instrument that can be used by everyone in order to better organize and effectively plan their day.
Set deadlines for each step of the project
After you have set the goals and deadline for the project, you can break the project into steps and define deadlines for each step. Focusing on one part at the time will help you deliver results on time. Reports are very important as they help managers coordinate and evaluate the progress of the project.
Use realistic to-do lists and remember to pause
Use a to-do list for daily tasks, it will help team members stay focused, motivated and in control of their time. Remember to always be realistic about what can be achieved in a single day. Also schedule breaks between tasks, firstly to clear your mind and recharge, and secondly to have some flexibility in your program.
Finish what you started
Even with a to-do list in hand, the temptation of starting multiple tasks at the same time is high, especially when you constantly check emails, receive calls or DMs. You may find yourself starting one task and then dropping it mid-way to start another. Avoid fragmented work by staying focused on one task at a time and checking emails, calls and messages one every few hours.
Hold regular meetings
Remote workers need for face-to-face or voice-to-voice communication as quick way for bringing everybody on the same page. Make sure you schedule them at a convenient time for everyone. Also your employees need constructive feedback, so one-on-one meetings may help them improve and stay motivated.
Apps can be especially helpful for managing time while you work remotely. They provide a platform where you can organize tasks and plan the order in which they need to be done, thus helping with remote time management.
Timeback allows employees as much access to key information as their managers and can provide highly customizable calendars that allow you to set up schedules for every part of the project, with daily overviews on each step.
With the right time management strategy and by using the right tools, you and your remote teams can successfully finish any project in no time!