TimeBack – A business’s best friend!

When the European Union delivered in May 2019 a new ruling, which mandates that businesses across EU have to track their employees' working hours, it dawned upon many that such an objective could no longer be postponed.
Companies started scrambling to find the best options available – some were looking for usability or accessibility, whilst others prefered affordability. From our perspective, there was no reason why these three aspects could not be reconciled. Why compromise, when you could have all of them?
Introducing TimeBack – an all-inclusive TTE application
Our team began working on a solution that companies of all sizes, from start-ups to corporations, might find appealing. We knew that if a company wants to be par for the course with its yearly projections, it has to have a good time, task and employee (TTE) management tool. Whether you’re a close-knit, compact unit or shy of a small-scale army, TimeBack (TB) is built to accommodate all of yours needs, in style and with respect to your financial abilities.
We wanted something sleek, lean and intuitive. Having surveyed hundreds of other software applications, we’ve found some very good best practice examples on the one hand, and some less than satisfactory choices, on the other. Our aim was to build a user-friendly, responsive interface, which allows both the employer and the employee to quickly navigate through scores of menus with information, at the touch of a finger.
Order, clarity and coherence
One tap here, one click there, and you will be able to find out who is working on what project, when, for how long, with whom else, what is their current progress and what challenges they might have encountered thus far. We have made transparency our chief design pillar, because we know how things can go awry at a workplace when there is a gap in information.

Our intention is to provide everyone with a medium through which they can accomplish all of their tasks, whilst being fully knowledgeable that their efforts are not being wasted. If you’re uncertain how useful this might be, just take a look at the construction industry.
Having stagnated for over 20 years, it is now barely coming to terms with the reality that information is king. For this very reason, tools such as BIM (Building Information Modeling) have arisen and processes like IPD (Integrated Project Delivery) have started to gain popularity.
Now, our application may be simpler than a BIM model, but our mission nonetheless shares the same purpose – providing a workplace with a simple, but effective accountability tool.
In an age where businesses have to be agile, lean and quick about their work, there is no time to lose over petty grievances or misunderstandings. Information breeds success, but what’s more so, information nurtures trust and friendship.
Blending together formats of all kinds
Change doesn’t come easy and we know that. Defaulting to our comfort zones and the practices that are true & tried has allowed many companies to still the waters. New is challenging, new is different, unknown, but new does not have to be hard or bad. We have taken great strides to ensure a system of incorporation and assimilation of files, so that any company may bring its existing bookkeeping and task tracking into TimeBack.
Whether you’re managing matters by Excel/CSV files or using some other TTE app that doesn’t satisfy your needs, TB’s system allows you to import your files into its database, in just a few steps, layering them out in an intuitive, clean interface.
Sharing, caring and securing
Two’s a company, three’s a crowd, four’s a project. Today’s companies seldom work alone anymore. Partners, contractors, consultants, collaborators, associates have all become commonplace. Knowing this, TB’s design features options that allow the user to delegate viewing and editing rights for individual or even group tasks.
Whether you wish to offer someone just a sneak-peak into your operations or full-on control, we got you covered.
However, this type of open relationship between parties oftentimes comes under the strain of security issues. 2019 saw its fair share of information security breaches, and it has become quite clear that people do not like having their private information made public (Facebook flashbacks, anyone?). As a result, TB comes equipped with 3-level, fully GDPR-compliant security system: storage-level security, application-level security, network-level security.

Toss a coin to your Wit...Time-Task-Employee app!
Every moment can be a penny, and pennies are important. What’s even more important than that is not having your pennies wasted. With this in mind, TimeBack’s pricing plan is designed to meet all businesses halfway.
If you’re an aspiring start-up, with less than 3 employees, TB is free!
For those boasting more than 3 members, our launch will feature early adopter prices, so that you can see for yourself that we are putting our app where our mouth is – for a minimal investment. We’ll even throw in 2 free months, to boot!
If you like what you see and you want to have it all, we can create customized offers that meet your needs to a tee. Don’t like our logo and want a custom-built one? Do you wish for in-house development or server storage? You name it, we’ll make it happen.
An app on a mission
Oftentimes, things may get heated during projects. As tasks pile on, objectives get updated or changed altogether and responsibilities are lost in transition, people forget to see the wood for the trees. That’s where we come in.
A coherent work process leads to happy employees. Happy employees lead to good work. Good work generates good products/services. Good products/services equal happy customers. Happy customers result in revenue. Revenue flows towards building an even better business, with even greater work processes & projects.
TimeBack’s purpose is to be the glue that holds this cycle together, ensuring each new task ushers in the same positive end results.